Wednesday, November 4, 2009

B & B

Boring & Bad
*Stray Dogs- This Japanese film noir was suggested to me by netflix. It wasn't THAT bad and boring...but it's still enough to go in this category. It's about some young police officer who's gun gets stolen while he was on a crowded bus. He then has to solve some crimes and trace back down his gun. Plot sounds ok, but ended up being B&B.

*Gigantic- Zooey Deschanel plays a rich lady who doesn't really do anything except dress really well and help her father (John Goodman). She starts doing it with Paul Dano after he sells her pops a mattress. They start dating and fall in love even though they have NOTHING IN COMMON. They should have a miserable relationship but somehow they don't. So the question is: if i straighten my hair and take of my pants will someone want to date me?